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Our Hearts Love Coffee

Caffeine worshippers relax! It turns out those routine cups of coffee are actually saving your heart, as well as keeping you energised throughout the day. South Korean researchers studied more than 25,000 participants through routine…

Bathtubs of blood… willingly given

I like to ask phlebotomists for an approximation of how much blood they’ve drawn over the course of their careers. Then I always add “in units of bathtubs, if you please.” No one has ever given me a good answer. Not one phlebotomist in…

Cancer series part III: Resistance

Cancer is clever. People speak about this extraordinarily diverse and complex group of diseases as if they were one disease and ask us impatiently when we are going to “cure” it. The reality is that many researchers, myself included,…

Blood at the Science Gallery

I stood in pitch darkness. I couldn’t see it or smell it but I knew that a metre away stood a mannequin composed of compacted dried blood. Every thirty seconds a luminous drip splashed down, briefly highlighting the contours of the face,…