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Animals / Wildlife

Olm my goodness!

Truly, olms have all the making of a vicious predator. In their cave habitats, they are at the top of the food chain. They are the largest cave-dwelling vertebrates in Europe, have exceptional hearing, devour their prey whole, enjoy eternal…

You kuna believe how cute the marten is!

Imagine heading into your local pub and ordering a beer, “Sure,” says the bartender, pushing you a pint. “That’ll be 15 squirrels.” That is essentially what happens in Croatia. The currency is named for the kuna – a small rodent…

Overfishing is Underestimated

When it comes to wildlife conservation most people only think about land animals like a cute panda, the majestic tiger, and Cecil the lion. Life in the Ocean is treated as a second class citizen. Pescetarians swear off animal meat because…

Pandas, Sex, and Stock Markets

A panda gives birth to twin cubs and we obsess. What is it about pandas and sex? We scour the globe for mates for lone pandas. We strive to create matching pairs. We salivate, like porn-junkies, waiting for them to mate. Their coitus is…

Regarding Dinosaurs and Dino-Chickens

As Jurassic Park taught pretty much anyone from my generation, Palaeontology is a fascinating field.  You’re talking about giant lizards that used to stomp about the Earth, what’s not to love. It consists of what I consider to be two main…