“Question your politics. More importantly, question your politicians.”


I have always found the question more interesting than the answer.

The question is the basis of science, of invention, of wonder and of magic.

The answers are the “facts” that become common place, that get reused over and over again.

Answers stop people questioning. This is highly dangerous.


The fundamentals and non-fundamentals of the entire idea of science are based on beautiful words like ‘why’ and ‘how’.

Why does it do that? How did that happen? Why did the apple fall from that tree? Why did the water level rise when I got into the bath? Why does the sun rise and fall? How did we come to be here on this one planet in a solar system spinning in a galaxy that is part of a cluster of galaxies, which is part of something bigger?


I could go on…

The last question alone is interesting enough to keep your mind going for an entire lifetime.


Think of all the great people who have pondered over that one single question; the scientists, the philosophers, the authors, the mavericks and the common man like me. That one single question will stay with me until the day I die. It won’t be answered. There will be and there are many theories and hypotheses regarding this one question and there will probably never be one definitive answer.


And I’m okay with that. I prefer it that way.


The question breathes life into being alive.


To take this question and to give it one answer, and furthermore, to downright disregard other possible reasons based on nearly a 2,000 year old answer is, I feel, beyond the scope of reason.


God is not the answer.

It is one theory that is believed by, in my humble opinion, far too many people. These believers are not, for the vast majority, the scientists, the philosophers, the authors, and the mavericks. Just the common man. But not me.


I believe old answers are dangerous and the questions should be re-examined every couple of years, maybe sooner.

Are these pants still in fashion? Is that man really so different from that man? Are we using too much oil? Are we building too much? Are we spending too much? Are we all really equal? These questions should have been asked a lot quicker.

Sure we had an answer before, but times change.

Life changes.

Answers change.


I would never ask someone to stop believing in their God, or Gods, I would just ask them to question themselves.



If we don’t ask ourselves “Am I happy?” on a constant basis, you very well might realise you haven’t been happy in a very long time. When we ask questions of ourselves we get temporary answers, they answer what we feel now. It is because of these mood-dependent, fleeting answers that we must always continue to question ourselves. As times change, we change and as we change, our answers will too.


Children constantly question things that they don’t understand. Don’t be too naive to believe you already know everything.


Question everything.


Question your politics. More importantly, question your politicians. Question your religion. Question your country. Question its laws. Question your diet. Question your career. Question yourself.


Maybe you’ll be surprised with how your answers have changed.

Useless Frontier Nature


Photo: NASA