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wildlife conservation

Taking Selfies With Tigers

It's easy to evoke the image of the elusive tiger in a tropical rainforest or Indian grassland, but it's quite a different undertaking to conceive a tiger posing for a Facebook selfie. For well over 100 tigers in Kanchanaburi Province,…

Olm my goodness!

Truly, olms have all the making of a vicious predator. In their cave habitats, they are at the top of the food chain. They are the largest cave-dwelling vertebrates in Europe, have exceptional hearing, devour their prey whole, enjoy eternal…

You kuna believe how cute the marten is!

Imagine heading into your local pub and ordering a beer, “Sure,” says the bartender, pushing you a pint. “That’ll be 15 squirrels.” That is essentially what happens in Croatia. The currency is named for the kuna – a small rodent…