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54 | Babe with Andrea Cleary

Music writer and co-host of The Nialler9 Podcast Andrea Cleary joins Alan and Ellen to talk about the best little pig in the world, Babe. We talked about vegetarianism, feeling all the feelings, teaching moral lessons with animals, is Babe…

Is It Hip To Hate Hipsters?

Man, don’t you just hate hipsters? I mean there they are, with their stupid fancy moustaches and silly fixed gear bicycles and weird beer and dodgy clothes and dreadful music and soy milk lattes. And the fads! Don’t get me started on the…

Your Flesh Is So Nice

Last year I spent a day filming a conference for people who work with assistance dogs. The event featured a number of speakers who trained these animals to work with the physically disabled, people with autism, the blind and deaf. Many of…