Browsing Tag

girl band

NO ENCORE #195 | Echo Island

Boom, boom, boom - Dave and Daithí convene in Daithí HQ where things wound up sounding a wee bit big like when you select that beloved "concert" EQ on your favourite music-listening device. So yeah, enjoy that. Also enjoy a NO ENCORE…

NO ENCORE #168 | Gratulerer!

A highly emotional episode of NO ENCORE as Dave and Craig report back from Colm's Norwegian nuptials, Daithí basks in his glory, and Kobina makes an overdue appearance. On top of that, please enjoy lengthy public service announcements on…


Time once again to step into the past in order to weigh up the cream of the crop of the Irish music scene. This time out it's 1984, a very special year indeed for NO ENCORE host Dave Hanratty. He and Delorentos man Kieran McGuinness are…

In Conversation | Bitch Falcon

Roaring onto the Dublin DIY scene in 2014 and refusing to let up, Dublin trio Bitch Falcon have been at the forefront of a heavy Irish rock scene for quite some time now. Through a myriad of day jobs and line-up changes, the group now…


It's a raucous atmosphere in the NO ENCORE studio as Dave Hanratty and Colm O'Regan are joined by Dara Kiely and Daniel Fox of the wonderful Girl Band ahead of their Vicar Street headliner on February 17 in aid of Pieta House. On a…