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Olm my goodness!

Truly, olms have all the making of a vicious predator. In their cave habitats, they are at the top of the food chain. They are the largest cave-dwelling vertebrates in Europe, have exceptional hearing, devour their prey whole, enjoy eternal…

You kuna believe how cute the marten is!

Imagine heading into your local pub and ordering a beer, “Sure,” says the bartender, pushing you a pint. “That’ll be 15 squirrels.” That is essentially what happens in Croatia. The currency is named for the kuna – a small rodent…

Pimp My Pump in Zagreb

Wander through the streets of Zagreb, and you may accidentally stumble across Marge Simpson, Jimi Hendrix or Kurt Cobain. No, we're not talking hallucinations – we're talking Pimp My Pump. Pimp My Pump is a collective of six Croatian…