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#18 | An Ode To Bewleys

For this week’s episode of With Relish, we are taking a look into the past, present and future of one of Dublin's great institutions, Bewleys. Having recently reopened its doors after a three year closure, Aoife and Harry got the chance to…

Taffin | The Reboot

Reboot, reboot, reboot. You can't turn to your left without getting jabbed in the eye by a movie franchise reboot. That's my shirt. You've no manners! Most such reinventions I couldn't give a toss about. But this one has set my pulses…

Our Hearts Love Coffee

Caffeine worshippers relax! It turns out those routine cups of coffee are actually saving your heart, as well as keeping you energised throughout the day. South Korean researchers studied more than 25,000 participants through routine…

Coffee Improves your Memory

A new study published this month in Nature Neuroscience has shown that caffeine can improve your memory. We have all already heard stories of coffee improving your concentration and focus, however the difference with this study is that…