Let’s get emotional. NO ENCORE is back with a stacked agenda in the form of a devastating Top 5 face-off, the first Bright Eyes album in almost a decade and the absolute STATE of the Irish government…

ACT ONE: Craig’s got mail.

ACT TWO [8:46]: Confusion reigns over the status of small Irish gigs in the time of Covid-19 and the government really isn’t helping. Dave chats with Vinny Casey of The Workman’s Club about a difficult week for artists and promoters.

ACT THREE [23:35]: Further news items of interest including Cher’s pivot to public service, Broooooce stanning LDR, and a specialist record store that we hope to visit one day.

ACT FOUR [39:36]: Conor Oberst and Bright Eyes return after a long absence with some apocalyptic revelry in the form of Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was. Sounds just about right for 2020, OR DOES IT?

ACT FIVE [59:26]: Let the tears fall where they may. Songs That Make You Cry time.

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