Strange Bedfellows [02]: Valentine for Bredeen

Valentine for Bredeen

Your face is a manure heap
your eyes John Deere hub caps
your nose a pitch fork
your mouth barbed wire.

Your breath is a slurry pit
your breasts are bulls’ balls
your waist is the long way home
your rump pork belly.

Your fart a silage bale
your legs Telecom pylons
your knees pebble dash
your shins two hack saws.

Your ankles pigs’ trotters
your feet the crusts of cow pats
your toes strings of kelp
your toenails gutter fittings.


We were made for each other.
Let’s put our fields together.

                    TOMÁS O’L. (your neighbour)

Our ‘Strange Bedfellows’ call for submissions is now closed — thank you to everyone who sent in poems. We have now notified all poets whose work has been selected — if you were unsuccessful on this occasion, please submit again when our next window of submissions opens at the end of July. Keep an eye on our Submissions page for more details.

Although the poem of the week slot is currently closed, we are accepting submissions for our other regular features: MONOGRAPH (a group of poems by a single author) and New Voices (poets aged 18-30 who have yet to publish a full collection).

Please read the full requirements on our Submissions page, before sending your work.

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