Tittererer’s Digest |92| feat. The Firehouse Film Contest

Howdy. Isn’t this snazzy? A fancy new website. Check out that new typeface on the logo. And a new logo to boot! While we’re on the topic of the website, did you know the humour section takes submissions? You should submit something. Go on. It’s easy.

1. The Firehouse Film Contest

Dublin’s best kept secret returns this Sunday with an array of shorts you’re bound to enjoy. The format of the contest is simple: they look for films three to five minutes long and all submissions are screened. Though any genre is welcome, the submissions tend towards comedy.

Some of Ireland’s finest filmmaking and comedic talent regularly submit to the Firehouse and they’re starting to get their dues. The above film, Exchangers, was recently featured on Gizmodo and an earlier short, Quantum Drunk, made it to the Onion’s AV Club.

The contest is held in A4 Sounds just off Dorset St this Sunday at 7pm.

2. The Milkshake Duck Cometh

It’s been a year but still the whole internet loves Milkshake Duck, a useful shorthand for referring to how quickly the latest object of our collective fascination will turn out to be bad and probably racist.

Earlier this week Esquire interviewed popular Australian Twitter user Pixelated Boat about their creation. Later the New York Times also delved into the history and usage of the tweet.

3. Cooking with Martin: Sushi


Comedian Martin Angolo shows us in the first of hopefully many cooking tutorials how to make sushi with, what I sort of assumed because he never really said, are ingredients commonly available in your local supermarket. Stick around for a revelation at the end.

Martin has been a guest on the brilliant Reviewables Podcast on the HeadStuff Podcast Network and you can listen to it right here.

4. TJ Miller Leaves Silicon Valley

TJ Miller as Erlich Bachman
image source

Comedian and accidental actor TJ Miller has opted not to return next year to Silicon Valley, the HBO comedy that wrapped up its fourth season this week. He gave a fairly open interview to the Hollywood Reporter, where he discusses why he left the show and how he feels about his character’s exit.

Before I Go…

I don’t have a clever segue for this video. It’s an old SNL sketch with Jamie Foxx, Kenan Thompson and Bill Hader that somebody reminded me of recently. It’s quite good. I’m a sucker for game show sketches. Give it a watch.

Main image via YouTube