Tittererer’s Digest |123| feat. Cherry Comedy

Hello. I am so sick of snow. Here’s some nice, warm comedy things instead.

1. Cherry Comedy

Cherry Comedy is back in Whelan’s next Monday 12 March at 8pm. The lineup features the stars of the late Facts channel on YouTube including Davey Reilly, Laura Byrne, Martin Angolo, Brian Gallagher and John Sharpson. If it’s anything like my beloved Cherry Coke Zero, this is bound to be a wonderful and low calorie night of comedy.

2. Stopping a Terrorist


Speaking of Martin Angolo and Whelan’s and comedy, here’s a video of Martin Angolo doing comedy in Whelan’s.

3. Uncommissioned Academy Awards Song

The musical boys that comprise the Lonely Island released this video on Monday of the song they wrote for this year’s Academy Awards that was not commissioned due to being “financially and logistically impossible”.

4. Dreamgun Film Reads: GoldenEye 007

The Dreamgungans will be applying their Film Reads treatment to either the 1995 Bond movie GoldenEye or the 1997 Bond video game GoldenEye 007. Either way, the show is on Monday 26 March in the Sugar Club at 7:30pm. Tickets are on sale now here.

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