
Tittererer’s Digest #33 (feat. The Vodafone Comedy Festival)

So Hozier crashed HeadStuff last week. He told his many Twitter followers that this piece by Louise Bruton was very funny and true, which it is, and boom, we were gone. I’m not allowed near any of the technical things here at HeadStuff because electronic things tend to fizzle and burst in my hands but we’re back now so I assume everything went ok with the recovery operation. What else happened last week? Oh yeah, only The HeadStuff Comedy Table Quiz that’s what. I’m not going to lie, it was a difficult quiz but that made the victory all the sweeter for the winners. Probably. I didn’t get a chance to ask them. We also announced our 32 Lacomic Cup finalists. Special CELEBRITY judges will be picking the winners for each round but we’re also having a public vote and the winner of the public vote in each round gets a special prize. Vote Here. Right, let’s digest.

Tittererer's Digest Banner

Comedy Festival Of The Week

The Vodafone Comedy Festival is starting this Thursday in the Iveagh Gardens. I’m not going to copy out a big list of comedians who you should see because if you’re reading this then you’re probably already fairly familiar with them but I will say that the Thursday night gig featuring David O’Doherty, Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, and Maeve Higgins could well have every comedy nerd in Ireland in attendance. The ful line-up can be perused Here.

More importantly, HeadStuff are presenting a show in the Laughter Lab! HeadStuff Presents The Mess Around is going to be very special indeed. Giles Brody and Colin Chadwick’s monthly sketch, improv & character fun show The Mess Around is a delight. On Thursday, they’ll be joined by Mess Around regulars Eleanor Tiernan, Alison Spittle, Conor O’Toole, and Simon Mulholland as well as special guest David O’Doherty. We’re very excited about it and you should be too.

Clips Of The Week

Key & Peele feat. 2Chainz – Absorption!

JASH is a kind of comedy supergroup that was set up by Tim & Eric, Key & Peele, Sarah Silverman, Reggie Watts, and Michael Cera a few years ago. They released a few videos and then it all tapered off but then SUDDENLY, there’s a new Key & Peele video. It happened so suddenly in fact that it seems to have gone under the radar a bit. But it’s here, we have it. Don’t worry.

[youtube id=”5lUHJjJHFy8″ align=”center” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”550″]

Cool Kid Comedy – Subway Showtime

And then there’s this which is very silly but enjoyable.

[youtube id=”l3enKd5SzuU” align=”center” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”550″]

So that’s it for another week. See you at all at some comedy gigs from Thursday to Sunday? 

Nick Kroll image via