Tittererer’s Digest #29 (feat. Canadians)

Hello there, forgive me if I seem absent-minded this week but it’s just that I’m getting married this weekend you see. I can hear your hearts breaking and I understand. Don’t worry, there’ll be other humour editors. In fact, while I’m away getting married there’ll be not one but TWO Tittererer’s Digests curated/assembled/birthed by Giles Brody who is a handsome, funny man and our beloved former humour editor Shane Langan who is also a handsome, funny man. So that’s two handsome, funny men with an encyclopaedic knowledge of comedy for your delight. Anyway, let’s get on with some tittererering and digesting. This week, we’ve got Obama, Canadians, Death, and a healthy dose of my upcoming marriage sprinkled over everything.

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 Comedy Crossover Event Of The Week

Of course the big comedy story this week was the meeting of WTF’s Marc Maron and Barack Obama from those Buzzfeed gifs and autotune videos. You can listen to it here and then head over to Above Average for the outtakes:

[youtube id=”754vCgcINgg” align=”center” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”550″]

Other Comedy Event Of The Week That Didn’t Feature A Sitting US President

College Humour and IFC teamed up to present a tribute to musical comedy in College Humour’s Comedy  Music Hall Of Fame presented by none other than THE Paul F. Tompkins. True fact: Paul F. Tompkins was simultaneously guesting on seventeen different podcasts while he filmed this. “Paul F.Tompkins does a lot of podcasts” is a very original observation and you’re all lucky to have me. You can watch the whole thing here or you could watch my favourite bit The Canadian Rap Diss Video which is about Canadians rapping dissfully and heads into some delightfully unexpected avenues during its 2:39.

[youtube id=”rvBhFMgcZL0″ align=”center” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”550″]

And Finally

Forgive the College Humour-centric Digest but a) they’re really making lots of great sketches at the moment and b) I’m getting married this weekend. Did I mention I’m getting married this weekend? Here’s a sketch about death.

[youtube id=”PZH6-Eivd3I” align=”center” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”550″]

Ok then, I’m off to get married. Giles Brody will be here next week. Please leave your wedding congratulations and Amazon gift codes in the comments below. Byeeeee.